Baby bottle

Project coordinator:
Luke&Rachael Holtry
In 2008 My Brother’s Keeper has started a fundraiser called Baby Bottles for Romania. It is quite simple and has proved to be a special blessing both for the groups involved and for the families My Brother’s Keeper works with at the Crisis Pregnancy Center in Oradea.
Please contact us no later than a week prior to Mother’s Day, for your church, Sunday School class, youth group, etc. to participate. MBK will supply baby bottles for you to make available to your group on Mother’s Day, and make arrangements to collect them after Father’s Day.
In between, all we ask is that the individuals, families, groups, etc. fill the baby bottles with spare change. We will collect the bottles, count the change and give you a total for your group as well as the total raised. And we will be very thankful!
If your church is located at a considerable distance from Roxbury, Pennsylvania, we would request that you keep the bottles and write a check for the amount raised.
If your church is near the following collecting points, please use the form below to contact us and we will put you in contact with the person responsible for it.
If you have further questions don't hesitate to contact us.
Collecting points
Robert Stroman
100 Fairlane Drive
Millersburg, PA 17061
Martinsburg BIC church
Pastor: Rev. Earl Herr
P.O. Box 278
Martinsburg , PA 16662
email: earlnsharon@atlanticbb.net
web: www.martinsburgbic.com
Rachel Holtry
P.O. Box 11
Roxbury, PA 17251
email: rmkitner@yahoo.com