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What your donation will do
Your GENEROUS DONATIONS will enable us to save babies from abortion, to assist women who struggle with unwanted pregnancies or post abortion trauma, to provide tangible material support to mothers and to educate the younger generation in sexual integrity.
The ProLife movement has gain a lot of momentum in the last two years. God has done amazing things world wide and nation wide. In Romania we are experiencing a decrease in the number of abortions like never before since we opened the PULSE Center in 2005. Many schools contact us, inviting us to come and teach our purity program. This is amazing and we are happy to be part of this incredible movement of God.
We are asking you again to continue to be part of this ministry and get ready to donate on Giving Tuesday, November 29. Our goal is to raise $10,000 for the PULSE Center in Oradea!
Thank you for your partnership!