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The end of 2023

"Count it all joy, my brethren, when ye fall into manifold temptations; Knowing that the proving of your faith worketh patience. And let patience have its perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, lacking in nothing." - James 1:1-4

Dear friends, 

We hope that you all had a wonderful Christmas celebration with the One we celebrate and with your loved ones.

The word that best describes our season in life and ministry right now is patience. Patience seems an outdated word, one that does not fit our culture any longer. Just think of all the tasks the artificial intelligence is capable of performing in matter of seconds and your head starts spinning.

However, we as Christians, have a different perspective on things. The apostle James teaches us that patience is a school in itself and is an essential by-product of true faith. Patience humbles us and shows us that we are not the ones in control. It makes us dependent on God’s grace. Patience makes us whole and complete in all aspects of our lives so we lack in nothing.

Saved from abortion

For our Christmas celebration at Puls this year, our clients suggested we invited a young singer to come and sing some carols to us. To our surprise they mentioned a name that was familiar to us, but not as a singer, rather as a baby. Ioana was the first baby that was saved from abortion when Puls opened its doors in 2005. It was a joy to meet the beautiful young lady Ioana has become. She came with her mother and her ten months old brother. Seeing her reminded us of the great potential each life holds.

An unexpected hold up

The sonogram machine is still in the States waiting to be shipped over. We have received parts of it - two sets of probes and a printer - and some of the manuals. Unfortunately, the gentleman who is in charge of the process got very sick and has not been able to take care of the shipping. He has had two heart attacks this year and is currently scheduled for eye surgery. Pray for his health. We believe God is in control and knows what He is doing, even though we would have wanted things to happen quicker.

Christmas gifts distribution

Special thanks 

We want to say a special THANK YOU to the churches and individuals who faithfully contributed to the Christmas shoebox campaign this year:

  • Blue Mountain BIC

  • Faith Brethren Bible

  • Green Grove BIC

  • Mountain Chapel BIC

  • Canoe Creek BIC

  • New Harvest BIC

  • Marcy Burkett

  • Good news blanket brigade

Prayer request for 2024

  • for wisdom as we seek God's will

  • for many lives to be spared from abortion

  • for many women to accept the Gospel and follow Christ

  • for the medical office to open

Support the ministry of the Pulse Center


We improved our donation system and from now on you can make recurring monthly, quarterly or yearly donation. Your card informations will be saved on a secured server when you make you first transaction and the amount you choose to donate will automatically be withdraw from your card. 

Donate by check

Make checks payable to: My Brother's Keeper P.O.Box 11, Roxbury, PA, 17251

memo: The Visan's


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