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Updated: Oct 24, 2018

Your journey with the Visans, the directors of My Brother's Keeper Romania

"Purge out the old leaven, that ye may be a new lump, even as ye are unleavened. For our passover also hath been sacrificed, even Christ: wherefore let us keep the feast, not with old leaven, neither with the leaven of malice and wickedness, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth. “ 1 Cor. 5:7-8

When we think about Passover, probably the first thing that comes to our minds is celebration. But Passover was first of all a judgment day for both the Egyptians and the Israelites. That night, when the Angel of Death came to fulfill God’s justice, every single home in Egypt experienced the judgment and the punishment of God. The only difference was that some obeyed and were substituted in the blood of the lamb and others paid with their own lives or with the lives of the beloved ones. The truth is God brought His people out of Egypt that night the same way He is bringing people out of the kingdom of darkness and sin today. Bible teaches us that the wage of the sin is death. And our sins require punishment. The grace comes from the the fact that in His eternal love God has provided a substitute for us, a Lamb, the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ, God’s eternal Son. That’s why the Christians in the first century greeted each other with: Peace and Grace! We would like to greet you the same way and may God’s grace and peace be upon each and everyone of you and upon your families!

God has been been good to us

Thirteen years ago we said yes before God and started a season full of blessings for which we are so thankful. The other day we had this crazy idea to check and see if Mihaela could still fit in her wedding dress. And guess what (and all you women out there now the feeling) SHE DID IT!:) Minutes after that Tori had to put the dress on too and then Dena. We had a blast:) We realized how fast time flies and all too soon our children will be young adults. We also took a moment to count our blessings and thank God for all His goodness. School is going well. Marc loves soccer, Tori still plays her harp and Dena plays the piano in the church. Yes, we must be old by now:). Please pray for us as we put all the effort in raising our children in the fear of the Lord.

New ministry opportunity

Meet Tiffany Wolf

As you may know by now, God opened the doors for Tiffany Wolf, from Altoona area, to volunteer with My Brother’s Keeper in Oradea for six months. That has been going well. She works at the maternity hospital, taking care of the abandoned babies and at PULS Center. She is also part of on outreach program for children, that our home church has started years ago, teaching English and Bible lessons. She is a dedicated young lady and it’s a joy to work with her. Pray that God will bless her time and ministry here in Oradea so that she may grow in her faith and have an impact on others


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