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Spring Update 2023

Hello, dear friends and partners! First of all, we thank God for the fact that we are still alive and active because of His constant mercy and care. Second, we want to thank you for your prayers and faithful support!

We continue to homeschool our children and take care of the newest addition to the family, Ginny, our pet dog. Dena is turning 15, in April and getting better and better at playing the piano. She wants to major in music, in college. Both Dena and Tori will attend a Christian music camp this year, in July. Tori is 13 and continues to study harp and all three of them are involved in sports. Marc is 11 and very good at math.


The ministry at the Pulse Center in Oradea is striving despite all the negative aspects of our society: inflation, economic instability, news of war and so on. We continue to assist, on a daily basis, the ones is need: women dealing with unwanted pregnancies or post abortion traumas and mothers in difficult financial situations.

Here's a short testimony of a lady who recently went out of our program after two years:

While I was in the care of the Pulse Center I had the chance to meet wonderful people. They really cared about me and their help meant a lot to me. They gave me good advice that I could apply to my life successfully. I am very grateful to have met this great team of people.


The purity program is experiencing an ascending curve and a great impact. More and more schools show interest in hearing our message and teaching. We reach thousands of students each month with the message of purity. Please continue to pray for Genuta, Ioana, Alina and Mery, our purity presenters. They do a difficult work and sometimes they are exhausted both physically and spiritually. Pray for their protection and strength.


Lately, we have felt the Lord leading us into a new direction. Ever since we moved close to the Maternity, two years ago, we have encountered many women who entered Pulse Center seeking medical exams such as sonogram. This made us aware of the need and we began to pray about it. And so the idea of opening an OB-GYN office at the Pulse center, staffed with pro life doctors, has taken shape. We are confident we will be able to reach more women and also generate some income for the Pulse center.

The confirmation that we were on the right path was not long in coming! One morning we had some business in town and stopped for some coffee. Right beside us sat a man who spoke English. He was an American doing ministry in Oradea. We had a good talk, and in the course of conversation mentioned the desire to open a medical office. A couple of weeks later he contacted us to let us know that his organisation had a sonogram machine in the States that they did not use anymore and was willing to donate to us. They plan on sending it over by the end of March at their own expense!

In the picture is the actual sonogram machine that had been donated to us.

We are waiting for the machine to come, have it tested, make sure we can use it and than we will more forward. The next step will be to do some renovation in two of our rooms and order to get the permits for the medical operations. Please pray for this projects. We will keep you updated.


After a two year pause, we plan on having camp again, in Oradea, for the older children of our clients. We hope a team of volunteers from Alaska will be able to come and help us. We are looking for sponsorship for 25 children. The estimated cost is $150 per child for 5 days of camp.

The four children you see in the pictures below belong to a former Puls client. Marina came to us 10 years ago, when she was pregnant with her second girl. She was a teenager, in a very abusive relationship with an older man. Years later Marina got saved, married and is now raising her six children in the fear of the Lord. We are very happy to be able to make a difference in her children's lives.


A national pro life movement among Evangelical churches has recently started in Romania, with the first meeting taking place at the end of February. It will operate as an network of independent pro life organisations.

Our mission is to unite, equip and provide resources to Evangelical leaders who want to defend the lives of the unborn babies. We will be working in partnership with the European Leadership Forum(ELF) and the Romanian Leadership Forum.(ROLF).

Pray that God will use this new endeavour for His kingdom and for the benefit of the Romanian society. We dream of a time when abortion will be unthinkable. Pray for Gabi as he prepares the network for launching in November.


The Vișan Family

Gabi, Mihaela, Dena, Tori & Marc



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